Sunday, December 14, 2014

Check My Math.

Believe it or not I worked in academic medical research for a damn long time. I say this because I am truly math challenged. Money is a whole other matter, that part of my brain works fine! The rest looks at numbers and goes to sleep.

The point of all that was I have been writing out the combinations possible with my choices. There are going to be a lot! I wanted to get a rough number of just how many since I've already got a hand cramp and I'm barely done with the outfits that start with pants as the bottom.

So here is what I figured out: 3 bottoms x 5 tops is 15 outfits of 1 top and 1 bottom. Each of those outfits can be worn with the cardigan for another 15 (30 total) or the sleeveless turtleneck sweater for another 15 (now 45 total). The T-shirt and a bottom can be worn under any of the tunics, of which there are 4 x 3 bottoms for 12 more outfits (57 total). The wrap dress can be worn alone or with either the cardi or the T-neck over it so I'm up to (60 total) outfits. The drape-y shirt, black t-shirt, blue silk tunic, and the b/w tunic, can all be worn under the dress (64 total). All of those, minus the t-shirt, and the denim tunic can be worn over the dress for 4 more outfits (68 total). Now the dress is on the shortish side, a little south of mid-thigh so I could wear it alone or with another bottom under it.

And yes I was the girl who wore shorts under my skirts at school. I was a fiend for the monkey bars and the boys used to look up girls skirts and I played a mean game of tag with diving tackles and everything. I also had a mother who was a debutante. There was a lot of fashion we did not see eye to eye on.

Anyway, back to the numbers! So if we pair the dress with each of the bottoms we are up to (71 total). But I can still wear the lighter tops under the dress so that brings us to (75 total) Oh good Lord! I am dreading the pictures of all of this!

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